Movie Reviews

In an effort to post the reviews in a more timely manner, I've created a simple blog of just my movie reviews. Let's hope I can keep current. Make sure to check Robin's World ( for the complete list.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

December Movie #1: Arthur Christmas

Starring the Voices of: James McAvoy, Hugh Laurie, Bill Nighy, Jim Broadbent, Ashley Jensen
Directed By: Sarah Smith, Barry Cook
Run Time: 1 hr 37 mins

Arthur Christmas is about Arthur (voiced by McAvoy), Santa's youngest son. He loves Christmas. He's very idealistic. He's a happy guy. Santa (voiced by Broadbent) is starting to see Christmas as just a job, and that wan is being fueled by his other son Steve (voiced by Laurie), who has a very militaristic - organized and disciplined - approach to getting presents to all the kids on Christmas Eve. When Arthur discovers that one kid's present didn't get delivered, he asks Santa to go back out to deliver it. Steve says it isn't cost effective so Arthur takes it upon himself to deliver it. He enlists the aid of GrandSanta (voiced by Nighy) and embarks on his secret - and unauthorized - mission to deliver the forgotten present. It's not an easy trip.

First, I want to remind everybody that I love Christmas movies. The sappier, the better. And, of course, I love animated movies. Animated Christmas movies are a shoo in. That being said,  I liked this movie but didn't love it. I will probably end up owning it and then loving it years from now.  There was just something missing, something that didn't click. It was just missing that something extra, that something wonderful. I think, perhaps, it was because Arthur's family wasn't as nice to Arthur as they should have been. A lackluster and unaffected Santa? Are they really busting that bubble? Santa is supposed to care most about Christmas!

I did like the ending. It provided "updates" (a la Animal House)  on how everyone was doing - and the final sentence with each was "And he's happy." Very sweet. And then came Arthur's final sentence and that brought a tear to my eye.

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